/Bret Baier grills Liz Cheney and she goes after Fox News in her first live interview since being ousted from leadership

Bret Baier grills Liz Cheney and she goes after Fox News in her first live interview since being ousted from leadership


Bret Baier grilled Rep. Liz Cheney (R-Wyo.) on whether her crusade against former President Donald Trump was in the interest of her constituents and she responded by criticizing Fox News.

Cheney’s appearance Thursday on Fox News was her first live interview since the Republican Party voted her out of her leadership position Wednesday.

“You, and your colleagues, at least in part, were elected to block the Biden agenda, which Republicans believe is too far left, and could lead to other things. Aren’t they correct to claim that your focus on the election and President Trump was somehow not going to get them to that goal?” Baier asked.

“No, I think that’s actually wrong, Bret,” Cheney responded.

“I think if you look at where we’ve been since the election since Jan.6, we’ve had a real focus on, making sure people understand that the Biden policies are dangerous,” she explained.

“If you look at the impact for the people of Wyoming, banning oil and gas leases on public lands is really dangerous, is really heartless. We’ve been very clear about that. What’s happening at the border is very dangerous,” Cheney added.

She went on to say that there were too many people in the Republican Party who were willing to enable Trump’s claims that the election was fraudulent.

“The people of Wyoming believe deeply in the Constitution. The people of Wyoming know that we must use the Constitution as our shield, that we must defend the Constitution,” explained Cheney.

“And so when you look at the challenge that the former president is presenting, right now still today, claiming that the election was stolen, claiming that our electoral process does not accurately reflect the will of the people. No remorse or regret for Jan. 6, continuing to use the language that we know inspired value in the past,” she said.

Baier interrupted her and pushed her on why her crusade was representing voters in Wyoming when Cheney zeroed in on Fox News.

“We all have an obligation and I would say Fox News especially, especially Fox News, has a particular obligation to make sure people know the election wasn’t stolen,” Cheney said.

“And we’ve said that numerous times,” Baier said.

Cheney and Baier interrupted each other as Baier attempted to respond to her demand.

“Brett, you’re doing the interview, I’m answering the questions,” Cheney said testily.

“We need to make sure that the American people recognize and understand that the election wasn’t stolen, that we shouldn’t perpetuate the big lie, and there’s real danger,” she continued.

She went on to say that she did not vote for Joe Biden and that she would not vote for a Democrat “ever.” She also said that Trump’s policies were better for the country than those of Biden.

“The issue is whether or not we are going to stand up for the rule of law and stand up for the Constitution. That is above partisanship, that is above politics,” Cheney concluded.

Here’s the full interview with Cheney on Fox News:

Congresswoman Liz Cheney on Special Report