/Man warns he’ll report GrabFood rider to police for using PAB on Marine Parade footpath, rider begs for mercy – Mothership.SG – News from Singapore, Asia and around the world

Man warns he’ll report GrabFood rider to police for using PAB on Marine Parade footpath, rider begs for mercy – Mothership.SG – News from Singapore, Asia and around the world

A pedestrian confronted a GrabFood delivery rider in Marine Parade after the rider “almost hit” the man on foot.

In a short video posted to the Complaint Singapore Facebook group on April 26, the man behind the camera was heard questioning the delivery rider’s use of a power-assisted bicycle and the speed he was riding it.

The pedestrian also said he was going to report the rider to the police.

What happened

In the video, the rider can be seen approaching from a distance via his PAB.

The rider than cruised past the man behind the camera.

At this point, the pedestrian is heard shouting at the rider: “Just now you almost hit me ah. You almost hit me you know just now, so I going to report to the police station now.”

The delivery rider, who then came to a stop at the traffic junction, immediately apologised.

Asia Image via Simon via Complaint Singapore Facebook

The rider said: “Eh uncle, sorry sorry I just earning a living only”.

The pedestrian was not appeased.

He continued to berate the rider for riding “very very fast”, adding that it was very dangerous.

He then followed the rider as he moved forward from the junction, and told the rider: “You come with me to police station”.

The pedestrian claimed the rider almost knocked into another person earlier as well.

Subsequently, the rider dismounted and pushed his PAB along the pedestrian path, pleading with the pedestrian not to report the incident.

The rider said he has a family to feed.

grab-rider-police-station Image via Simon via Complaint Singapore Facebook

The rider also continued to apologise profusely, admitting that it was his fault.

Eventually, after the rider promised not to do it again and asked for a chance.

The pedestrian then appeared to let the matter rest.

Netizens’ response

The video has since garnered mixed reactions from commenters online.

Some criticised the pedestrian for being heartless since the rider had already apologised.

Countries Image via Simon via Complaint Singapore Facebook

Entertainment Culture Image via Simon via Complaint Singapore Facebook

Others pointed out that the rider should not have been riding on the pavement in the first place, and could have inflicted “serious injury”.

PABs are not allowed on pedestrian footpaths and are only allowed on roads, provided the rider wears a helmet.

Facebook Group Image via Simon via Complaint Singapore Facebook

Top image via Simon via Complaint Singapore Facebook