Well-known man of God pastor Ian Ndlovu of the Divine Kingdom Baptist Ministries in February 2019 released a powerful prophecy over President ED Mnangagwa’s presidency. He said President Mnangagwa would never run the country smoothly if he did not get the rod of rulership (sceptre) from former President Robert Gabriel Mugabe.
“All this violence and commotion that is happening in the country is centered around the issue of the sceptre. Even though the rulership passed from one person to another the sceptre did not pass from one man to another.
“There is restitution that must be done for the sceptre to be passed on to the present leader. There is someone who is holding the sceptre and if he dies without surrendering the sceptre this country will be in serious trouble.
“The person who is holding the sceptre has two things he holds in his heart and if they are granted he will release the sceptre,” said the respected man of God Pastor Ndlovu.
Mugabe died in September 2019 and wwas buried at his rural home. He had told his relatives that he didn’t want to be buried at the national shrine where other heroes are interred.
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Meanwhile, Mugabe’s nephew, Patrick Zhuwao has linked the planned exhumation of his uncle to the 2023 elections adding that President Emmerson Mnangagwa was behind the exhumation.
He said Mnangagwa believes that Mugabe was buried with a sceptre, a staff or wand held in the hand by a ruling monarch as an item of royal or imperial insignia.
The former Youth Minister alleges that Mnangagwa believes that the governance of Zimbabwe is determined by 16 traditional leaders who handed it over to president Mugabe.
Zhuwao speaks when the former first lady, Grace Mugabe has been summoned to appear at the court of Chief Zvimba over allegations that she buried her late husband improperly.
Mugabe was buried at his rural home in Zvimba although the Mnangagwa-led government had pushed to have him buried at the National Heros Acre.
The state had even constructed a mausoleum for him.
The summons say Mugabe’s exhumation has to be conducted for proper burial to take place.
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