Covid Vaccine Registration: At 4pm, April 28 2021, registrations for the vaccine of Covid-19 have started via Online mode for the people of age group 18-44. Earlier the facility was available for Front Line Workers, health volunteers and people of age more than 45, but now the registrations are open from age 18. Updates were followed via twitter platforms, however the server crashed at the initial stage as too many people logged in at the same time but was resolved in no time and started working very smoothly as confirmed via a tweet. Just because of the fake image of God generated by the false priest and sages as devotees were deprived of the True Devotion, so now they have left God and are running after medicines. But the same has been corrected and presented with observances by Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj from His devotees that True Worship can be the remedy of any sort of hardship.
Covid Vaccine Registration Key Points
- Registrations for the covid-19 vaccine started at 4pm on 28th April via online platforms.
- Earlier the provision was for the people of age more than 45 but now the registrations have opened up for age group 18-44.
- As per the data revealed, more than 80 lakh people have registered for the vaccine via Online system.
- With such a huge amount of people coming up for vaccination, the Government has decided to open up the market for manufacturers from this tier of vaccination drive.
- Proper supply of dosage will be required at every place to keep the vaccination program running.
- Social media platform twitter is used to convey the information with the hashtag #LargestVaccineDrive.
- The power of spirituality and true worship can cure any such disease without any vaccination required.
- Currently, Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj is the only one who is demonstrating that His way of worship can cure anything. Rest everyone doesn’t say so.
Covid-19 Vaccination Drive From 1 May 2021
At 4pm, 28th April GOI has opened the portal for users who belong to the age group of 18-44 to enroll for the vaccination. Registrations have started on the CoWIN portal, Aarogya Setu App and UMANG App. While the appointments will depend on the availability of vaccination centres, Aarogya Setu confirmed via tweet.
Registration for 18 plus to begin on, Aarogya Setu App & UMANG App at 4 PM on 28th April. Appointments at State Govt centers & Private centers depending on how many vaccination centers are ready on 1st May for Vaccination of 18 plus. #LargestVaccineDrive
— Aarogya Setu (@SetuAarogya) April 28, 2021
Covid Vaccine Registration: How to Register Through CoWIN Portal?
- Enter your mobile number and click on ‘Get OTP’. Enter the OTP received and click on ‘Verify’.
- Enter all details demanded on the web page including details of Photo Id. After completing, click on ‘Register’.
- Upon registering, you will get an option to schedule an appointment as per your location.
- Add your Pin Code and search, choose your nearby centre, date and time of appointment and click ‘confirm’.
- A maximum of four people can book appointments from a registered mobile number.
How to Register via Aarogya Setu App?
- On the home screen of the app, find CoWIN tab and click on it.
- Select ‘Vaccination Registration’ and enter your mobile number. Enter the OTP received and proceed further.
- Enter the details asked including Photo ID proof, name, gender, year of birth etc and click on register.
- Once registered, you will have an option to book an appointment and choose your vaccination centre.
- Enter your pin code and search for your nearby vaccination centre, select date and time and click confirm.
Initially people were finding it difficult to register from the portal but the issue was resolved in no time and thereafter it is running quite smoothly. In the first 3 hours of the registration period, more than 80 Lakh people have registered for the vaccination and the portal has also recorded 38.3 Application Programming Interface (API) hits, Minister of Health and Family Welfare confirmed via a tweet.
Pleased to note our world-class Co-WIN platform ensured smooth rollout of beneficiary registration for Phase 3 of world’s #LargestVaccineDrive
In just first 3 hours:
80L+ people registered
1.45 cr SMS successfully delivered
38.3 cr API hits recorded@PMOIndia @MoHFW_INDIA
— Dr Harsh Vardhan (@drharshvardhan) April 28, 2021
Social media platform Twitter was once again into the limelight with the hashtag #LargestVaccineDrive so as to highlight the beginning of the enrollment from May 1st. With such a huge crowd coming up for the vaccination, it will be a huge responsibility for the Government as well to maintain the supply of vaccines on time.
True Worship: The Biggest Vaccine
It is a time to test the power of spirituality and the true method of worship as per Holy Scriptures. And further expose all those false religious sects and leaders who are misleading the public with their wrong method of worship. The method of worship as per the Supreme God Kabir (who came in Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh 600 years ago) is the remedy to any disease, any hardship and any problem. He is the only one who has the capabilities to destroy our sins and can change our destiny to even extend our lives.
In a time of such advanced technology, this seems to be impossible but that is what God is all about. What is the use of worship if you aren’t benefited at the time of hardships? It is not a false talk, it is written in Holy Vedas about the qualities of that Supreme Power that he can destroy the sins of the devotee in Holy YajurVeda chapter 8 verse 13.
God Has Descended: Enroll and Get Your Welfare Done
Currently, Supreme God Kabir has made a provision in the form of Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj as His one and only incarnation to guide and give His pious souls the . With the method of worship given by Him, He can give benefits one can’t even imagine. It will be a test to those false priests and sages who are running their shops in the name of God, thus they will be exposed as they can’t destroy their own sins, forget about the devotees. And thus can’t benefit a devotee.
Saint Garibdas ji Maharaj from Haryana says:-
Garib, Pandit koti anant hai, Gyani koti anant |
Shrota koti anant hai, Birle Sadhu Sant ||
The mantras given by Him can cure any sort of deadly disease as these are capable of destroying the sins of the devotee. In a period of hardship and suffering for the entire nation and globe, Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj is setting examples via His devotees and is coming forward as a leader that can lead the entire globe.
It is the predetermined prime time of attaining God already taken into consideration by Supreme God Kabir in response to these hardships planned by the Satan(Kaal Brahm) so as to ease our paths for attaining salvation. By attaining salvation, our souls can move our native abode Satlok where all came from and end our cycle of birth and death forever. So this is a golden opportunity for a pious soul to enroll yourself by taking from Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj to get our welfare done.
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