I come to you with a very sad story that I hope a lot of young people like me will learn from. I am a young lady, 19 years old. My family is not rich but not poor either.
We never went to bed hungry and were never sent home to collect fees and my three siblings and I were very intelligent. Sadly I was not satisfied with the life that our parents gave me. I wanted more, I wanted bling.
I started university and saw other young girls with expensive hairdos, manicure, trendy phones and designer clothes. Some even drove.
I wanted all that by any means necessary. I had heard of Sugar Daddies, now called “Blessers” — I was sure I wanted one but did not know where to find them.
So I befriended one of those girls so that I could learn from her. I did not waste time, I asked her where she got her car and all that glittered.
She confirmed my suspicions, yes she had a “Blesser”. I told her that I was in need of one, yes, to me it was now a need, I was desperate.
She said her “Blesser” actually had friends who were hunting for the young and tender. So I got hooked up to Chris.
He was 55 years old. My roller-coaster ride began.
Chris drove the latest big wheels. I never knew where he lived and I did not care to know. We went places, slept in expensive hotels and lodges.
At that time I thought he was my dream come true yet he was the worst nightmare. I had money, United States dollars in cash, at a time when people were crying of cash shortages.
I was flown to Dubai, France, Italy and other countries where I shopped till I dropped. I began to understand the term “living large.”
The first time we had se_x, I suggested to Chris that we use cond0ms and he agreed. The second time around he begged me to trust him. I could not trust him and I did not want to trust him.
I did not know his HIV status or that of his wife and other girlfriends but the money was tempting. I gave in. From then on, we had unprotected se_x.
Fast forward, I fell pre_gnant. Chris promised to marry me but was suddenly usually busy and out of town.
My friends laughed at me. They asked me why I was not on contraception. I had not thought of all that. I was suddenly lonely.
Communication with Chris decreased till it died. I had to go and confess to my parents. I went through our Pastor and the issue was discussed.
My parents made it clear that they were disappointed but I was still their child. Mum suggested that I go and register my pre_gnancy at the local clinic.
There I got tested for HIV and I tested positive. I terribly got stressed and entered into depression. I had to defer school so that I could deal with my issues. Everything happened so fast, like a drama . . . Act 1 Scene 1 . . . The end.
Now my future has been severely derailed. My parents are my pillars of strength. They tell me that with anti-retroviral treatment I can lead a normal and healthy life and I can give birth to an HIV-negative baby.
Once I pick myself up I will go back to school. I have never heard from Chris. It looks like he has changed numbers because I have tried his numbers several times without success.
Never think that HIV is found among the poor. Chris was rich. Never think that girls who are duped are not intelligent. I am intelligent but here am I.
Do not envy people you see with expensive things, you do not know where they are getting them from and how.
Why don’t old men leave young girls alone? Young girls should run with their lives when approached by these cursers!!
– BMetro
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