The Luxembourgish Scouts of both national Scout associations FNEL and LGS have won a European Citizen’s Prize for 2020. It is a recognition given by the European Parliament for outstanding achievements in promoting European values and unity.
Philippe Berscheid, deputy secratary general of FNEL Scouts & Guides pointed out that the European Citizen’s Prize is a great honour and a great recognition for the incredible efforts that Scouts in Luxembourg have invested since the outbreak of the pandemic .
“ Community Involvement is one of the central pillars of our Scout method, we got immediately active when the COVID-19 crisis hit our country in early 2020. “ He said.
For almost 4 months, the Luxembourgish Scouts offered a range of emergency services to their community – from daily grocery shopping, running errands, dog-walking to life-saving pharmacy tips and other daily tasks, the Scouts lent a helping hand everywhere.
“ Overall ,900+ Scouts fulfilled over 6500+ missions for vulnerable citizens. Thanks to our fast responsiveness and our flexible organisational structure, Scouts have been asked by the government to coordinate the national mask distribution. We called this activity “#Bitzdoheem” (meaning #sew-at-home).” Philippe added.
Over 40.000 hand-made masks were dispatched to over 50 social organisations country-wide.
Besides these two major projects, both Scouting associations managed to organize Home Scouting activities for all members during the entire lockdown period.
“This award showcases again the selfless engagement of our Scouts in their local communities. It also shows the important role that we play in society today. We are more than proud of this precious award and want to thank the European Parliament for its selection”, says Raoul WIRION, General Commissioner FNEL and President of Scouting in Luxembourg.
“But foremost, this award is an inspiring sign of recognition for our young volunteers, who instinctively offered their help when others needed them. They deserve it. Many thanks to all for your impressive help and personal investment!“. He concluded.
Copyright Photo: Cour grand-ducale / Sophie Margue