/US fugitive is arrested in Thailand ‘after stabbing his pregnant wife to death’ | Daily Mail Online

US fugitive is arrested in Thailand ‘after stabbing his pregnant wife to death’ | Daily Mail Online

An American fugitive has been arrested in Thailand on suspicion of stabbing his pregnant wife to death and dumping her body in the trash.

Jason Balzer, 30, argued with Pitchaporn Kidchob, 32, about his purchase of a new motorbike before allegedly stabbing her repeatedly at their home in Nan on Sunday. 

Balzer is said to have fled the following day and was arrested on Thursday 200 miles away in the northern city of Chiang Mai where he was staying with friends.

Police detained him hours after discovering Pitchaporn’s body stuffed inside a bin which had been pushed into a ditch. There were stab wounds on her torso.

Balzer – who arrived in Thailand in 2019 after allegedly jumping bail on assault charges in Colorado – was arrested on suspicion of murder but has not yet been charged. 

Jason Balzer, 30, argued with Pitchaporn Kidchob, 32, about his purchase of a new motorbike before allegedly stabbing her repeatedly at their home in Nan on Sunday (pictured during his arrest yesterday) 

Pitchaporn Kidchob, 32, met the American in Phuket last year

Police detained Balzer hours after discovering Pitchaporn’s body stuffed inside a bin which had been pushed into a ditch. There were stab wounds on her torso.

Balzer is seen during his arrest on Thursday after travelling 200 miles from the home he shared with his wife

Balzer is seen speaking to police after his detention on Thursday

He reportedly told police that he killed his wife because she had nagged him and complained about a new motorcycle he bought himself.

In a police interview, Balzer said: ‘I was furious when she yelled at me for buying a new motorbike so I stabbed her. I really had no idea that she was pregnant.

‘I quit my job and sold everything to settle down in Thailand with her. But lately she showed me no affection, refusing to sleep with me and telling me to return to my country.’

A mugshot of Balzer taken in Colorado before he allegedly skipped bail. He was arrested on suspicion of attempted murder after allegedly trying to have sex with his ex-girlfriend who refused and attacked her with a gun. The charges were later downgraded to physical assault.

Officers continued questioning Balzer through the night and remanded him in custody while they prepare charges against him.

Police Lieutenant General Prachuab Wongsuk said that they wanted to gather all the evidence before levelling charges at Balzer.

The policeman said: ‘Jason met Pitchaporn in Phuket while he was on holiday and he then married her. They moved back to her home town.

‘However, they had a lot of arguments lately. The offender eventually snapped when she scolded him. She demanded that he should leave her alone.

‘Jason stabbed her twice before taking her body to a forest to get rid of the evidence. He hid the corpse inside a bin and put it on the back of a pickup truck.

‘The bin was sealed with tapes and placed in a specific spot where bushes concealed everything. He fled to Chiang Mai to stay with his friends, since the province has more foreigners than Nan allowing him to blend in.’

Police remove a green wheelie bin from the ditch. Pitchaporn’s body was found inside the bin with stab wounds

The motorbike which Balzer was allegedly seen fleeing on earlier this week

CCTV footage which allegedly shows Balzer fleeing his home in Nan

Balzer and his wife. The pair met in 2020 in Phuket and got married around a year after they started dating 

Neighbours told police that they heard the couple arguing on the night that Pitchaporn was allegedly killed

Pitchaporn’s devastated mother collapsed in tears when the body was found. She said that her daughter had been arguing with Balzer on the day she disappeared.

When she could not reach her by cellphone she visited their home but was shocked when her daughter was not there. There were bloodstains on a bed, washing machine and around the house and the mattress was missing.

Speaking after her daughter’s body was Pitchaporn’s mother Anong Tanya, 52, said: ‘I looked in their home and Jason had also left a letter to confuse the police before he escaped. 

‘I couldn’t sleep thinking about my daughter. I cried until I had no more tears left. I had hoped that he only took her away and she’s still alive. Now I know she is dead I am heartbroken.’ 

Mother-in-law Anong Tanya, 52, claimed her son-in-law was known for having a ‘bad temper’

Neighbours claimed the couple were heard fighting before Balzer rode his motorbike out of the house

Balzer and his wife are seen having coffee together in a picture uploaded to social media 

Balzer was released on bond for physical assault in from Longmont, Colorado in 2019 before moving to Thailand in 2020.

He was arrested on suspicion of attempted murder after allegedly trying to have sex with his ex-girlfriend who refused and attacked her with a gun. The charges were later downgraded to physical assault.

He met Pitchaporn in Phuket and they dated for a year before marrying. 

US fugitive is arrested in Thailand ‘after stabbing his pregnant wife to death’

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