/Young S’pore GrabFood rider incurs S$100,000 medical bill after serious accident, family seeking donations – Mothership.SG – News from Singapore, Asia and around the world

Young S’pore GrabFood rider incurs S$100,000 medical bill after serious accident, family seeking donations – Mothership.SG – News from Singapore, Asia and around the world

A GrabFood delivery rider in Singapore was badly injured following a serious accident along Toh Guan Road and his family is seeking public donations to pay for the hefty medical bills that have already skyrocketed to more than S$100,000.

In a Facebook post appealing for the public’s help, the injured rider’s elder brother, Elfy Andriann, also revealed the possible long-lasting impact the accident would have on his younger brother.

Waiting to enlist into NS

His younger brother, Mohammed Ali, was out delivering food on Saturday, April 10 at about 8:40pm when the accident occurred along Toh Guan Road towards Bukit Batok.

Andriann Image via Elfy Andriann Facebook

Although the older brother did not reveal Ali’s age, he wrote that the youngest sibling in his family had just graduated from ITE and was waiting to enlist into National Service.

As the family is financially-strapped, Ali started delivering food on a bicycle initially before learning how to ride a motorcycle, and subsequently, even acquiring his licence, the post read.

Life-threatening injuries sustained

Based on the photos in the post, it appeared that Ali and his motorcycle had hit the back of a car.

Another photo showed him lying on his back on the road and being assisted by Good Samaritans.

The post said the accident resulted in Ali sustaining multiple serious injuries, including numerous broken bones in his shin, spine, ribs and both hips.

The most critical injury Ali sustained was to his head.

Asia Image via Elfy Andriann Facebook.

Head surgery

He had to be rushed into brain surgery due to the impact caused by the accident.

The post said Ali suffered from bleeding in the brain and the impact caused his brain to shift to one side.

His right hand was also severely injured as three major veins had snapped.

The post added that neurosurgeons had to perform a craniectomy, a life-saving procedure involving the removal of a part of the skull to release pressure and relieve blood clots in the brain.

The post read: “The doctors also mentioned if no decision was made, Ali would not make it. That was how serious it was. Imagine the mental state and pressure my father and I was in at the moment.”

Countries Image via Elfy Andriann Facebook.

Requires reconstructive surgery

Ali was warded in the Intensive Care Unit for 10 days, during which he was in a coma for seven days.

Ali woke up on the eighth day, and was later transferred to another ward after his condition was monitored for two more days.

At this stage, the medical bills had skyrocketed to S$100,000 and is expected to increase some more.

And recovery is expected to be long drawn.

Due to this relatively young age, the neurosurgeon recommended a cranioplasty procedure to replace his skull with a new artificial skull.

This procedure is estimated to cost between S$15,000 and S$30,000 or more and will help reconstruct the injury-impacted areas of Ali’s head, which has caused his physical appearance to change.

The elder brother let on that doctors said the extent of Ali’s injuries “may cause other mental problems once he is discharged and realising his deformation”.

The post said: “Frankly, as of now, doctors have already mentioned that Ali is showing signs of depression due to his immobility and appearance”.

Appealing for funds

The family is appealing for money as the single father household was already experiencing financial difficulties prior to this accident.

Elfy Andriann Image via Elfy Andriann Facebook.

Ali’s father recently suffered a stroke and lost his job, the post said.

The reason Ali was taking on a food delivery job before NS was to help the family financially and save some money before enlistment.

Top image via Elfy Andriann Facebook